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Job Search: Home

Resume and job search tips, recommended reading, online resources, and community trainings for job seekers

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Resume & Career Help

We are now offering resume help in-person at the central library and neighborhood branches around Brooklyn. 


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Preparing For Your Job Search

Two People Interviewing



Looking for work can be a full time job! Keeping your resume up-to-date and writing a cover letter can't be done in one night, and often involves some trial and error. You need to communicate clearly how your skills can fit with the employer so you may want to customize your resume and cover letter for each job you apply for.

If you're looking for help, tips, and templates, you're in the right place! The library has a dedicated team of librarians who have built this guide, provide virtual and in-person services, and who are here to help support you in your career journey.

This guide will give you resources to help with your job search goals and help you get through the tough parts, as well as offer information on library and community-based resume and career help.

What will it take to get a new job?
  1. Identify your skills and look for jobs that require people with your particular skill set. The library's Online Resources and the free websites that are highlighted in this guide can help you determine what careers may be a good fit for you based on your interests and strengths.
  2. Once you create a resume or cover letter, you should customize those documents based on what the potential employer is highlighting as its most important employee assets. For example, if the employer is looking for someone with extensive customer service experience, make sure your resume and cover letter detail the previous experience you have with helping customers and colleagues. Your cover letter requires you to craft a story that conveys that you are the best fit for the open position because of your skills and experience.

  3. It may be necessary to follow up after submitting a job application but be mindful of whether the listing specifically requests "no phone calls."  It may take a long time to get responses to your application; this is not unusual, and don't follow up with an employer more than once if you haven't heard anything. Don't wait for one job to contact you before applying for another.

  4. Keep yourself organized! Whether you keep a paper list or a spreadsheet, it's good to keep track of where you applied, the date you applied, and if you got selected for an interview.

Finding Job & Career Books

There are several books and ebooks in our catalog that can help you in your job search. You can search the catalog using keywords, such as "resume building" or "networking," but there are also a number of useful subject headings that can be used to effectively find books and ebooks on these topics.

Check out these booklists for some recommended titles:

You can also use the keywords below to help find books in our catalog.

  • Career Development
  • Career Changes
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Employment Interviewing
  • Employment Portfolios
  • Job Hunting
  • Résumés (Employment)
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