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Business Planning Guide: Entrepreneurship

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is not a static document that you write once, and writing a business plan doesn't automatically guarantee success. On the other hand, a business plan will allow you to set targets for your business and to communicate your strategy and vision for your team. It also gives you a framework to evaluate your strategy and your financials and determine whether you need to make any changes. Writing a business plan also gives you document to show banks and other potential sources of financing that your business is viable, and a solid plan can also help you negotiate favorable rates from banks and investors.

The video below was created by, and explains this in greater detail.

Legal Requirements

Depending on the type of business you are starting, ers are required to have various kinds of licenses, permits and registrations by City, State or Federal governments. 

The Step by Step (formerly NYC Business Wizard) guide on the website will give you a customized list of the the City, State, and Federal licenses and permits you need for your business.

After answering all the questions, you'll have a step-by-step checklist for creating your business, preparing to open, operating, paying taxes, complying with regulations, and accessing useful information.  

Using this tool early in the business planning process can help you think about what you want your business to offer and can help you develop your business plan.

Another option is NYC's My City Business website, which features an AI chatbot.

Immigrant Business Resources

The SCORE Startup Roadmap

The SCORE Startup Roadmap

The SCORE Startup Roadmap*, sponsored by FedEx, is a series of on-demand online workshops for entrepreneurs. The 12 chapters of the roadmap guide new businesses through each step of the startup process, from having a business idea through to opening the doors to customers.

Each chapter of the Startup Roadmap contains a series of steps, along with resources such as tools and templates. Each step contains concrete, actionable tasks to complete in order to move on to the next chapter.

Chapters include: 

The program is flexible, letting you make the business startup journey your own, focusing more on some chapters and less in others. It eliminates fears and intimation and offers a clear vision on how to achieve your business startup goals.

It is recommended you work through the program with a mentor. You can find more information about business advisement and coaching here.

*SCORE collects basic information about entrepreneurs registering the Startup Roadmap, including email addresses and zip codes,