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Real Estate and Housing: Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate is the area of real estate focused exclusively for business related purposes and providing a workspace as opposed to a living space. Commercial Real Estate covers several categories including retailers of all kinds, office space, hotels and resorts, strip malls, restaurants and healthcare facilities.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Helpful Websites


The art of commercial real estate leasing : how to lease a commercial building and keep it leased

Why wait another day? Make the most of your commercial property.A commercial building is just a building; but, it's an investment once it's leased with positive cash flow. Sounds easy? It's not. To invest and lease right you need the help of an expert who has spent his professional life as a commercial real estate broker and investor. You need the decades-long master of commercial real estate on your side. You need Craig Coppola.

Negotiating commercial leases & renewals for dummies

Renting space for businesses and navigating a commercial lease can be a daunting task for even experienced tenants, as errors or oversights can cost thousands of dollars. This guide takes the mystery out of dealing with landlords and their agents, and provides tips and advice for all business owners.

Commercial mortgages 101 : everything you need to know to create a winning loan request package

An introduction to commercial real estate loans -- Preparing the loan request package -- Financial strength and creditworthiness -- Real estate experience -- Real estate assets -- Forms of ownership.